Does As-Salafiyyah divide the people? – Sh. Dr. Sulaymaan Ar-Ruhaylee حَفِظَهُ اللهُ

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Does As-Salafiyyah divide the people? – Sh. Dr. Sulaymaan Ar-Ruhaylee حَفِظَهُ اللهُ

Some people say that when you say As-salafiyyah it divides the people. SubhanAllah!

We say(about) As-salafiyyah, Go back to the foundation. The people in the time of Prophet Mohammad ﷺ used to be one ummah- upon the book of Allah and sunnah of the messenger ﷺ of Allah.

They believed in that which Mohammad ﷺ came with and they acted upon that which Mohammad ﷺ came with. The Prophetﷺ  then died and the companions               رضي الله عنهم continued to adhere to that and similarly the imams of Islam. Thereafter innovation emerged; the khawarij and the Qadarriyah appeared. Following that, innovations began to increase and (as a result) the ummah became divided. And we say, “O beloved ones!  O our people! Return, leave this division.” Why should we be upon the creed of the Qadarriyah, Mu’tazillah and….Let us return to the foundation – coming together upon Salafiyyah. By Allah! We are not dividers except with the truth. And we are not callers to division except in splitting from falsehood. We say, “O our people! Return. O’ our people! Return. O people of Islam!  This is what our Prophet Mohammad ﷺ came with – pure, clean, goodly and blessed”. We hear him today (unaltered) as heﷺ said it on that day. The ummah was rectified by it in these days and it will not be rectified in these days except by it. Return! Leave division! Leave disunity! This is what separated us. This hizzibiyat (partisanship) has broken us apart. Leave it! Renounce it! Return to the book of Allah and the sunnah of the Prophetﷺ. By Allah we shall place you on top of our heads.


As-salafiyyah as we have stated is light, good and a blessing. As-salafiyyah is what the Prophet ﷺ said and what the companions رضي الله عنهمunderstood it to mean. As-salafiyyah is the implementation of the statement of the Prophet ﷺ. “Verily, he among you who lives long will see much differing.”  And indeed, by Allah, we have seen much differing. So you must keep to my sunnah and to the sunnah of the Khulafa ar Rashideen رضي الله عنهم (the rightly guided caliphs). Cling to it with your molar teeth (firmly). And beware of newly invented matters [in the religion]. For verily every newly invented matter [in the religion] is an innovation. “Verily, he among you who lives long will see much differing.” And differing has occurred. So how do we return and leave this differing? How do we treat this differing? Keep to my sunnah. Keep to the sunnah of the Prophet and the sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs رضي الله عنهم. Did the rightly guided caliphs رضي الله عنهم depart from the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ? By Allah, they didn’t! In fact, they understood it with the proper understanding. It is as if the Prophet said abide by my sunnah with the rightly guided understanding and that is the understanding of the predecessors of this ummah. He ﷺ said, “Sunnah of khulafa ar-rashideen al-mahdiyeen (the rightly guided caliphs) رضي الله عنهم “


      Look at Ar-Rushd and Al-Hidayah. It is necessary to look at these two matters. Ar-rushd and Al-Hidayah: Ar-Rushd is acting upon the sunnah and Al-Hidayah is knowing the sunnah. Furthermore, beware of newly invented matters. By Allah, the meaning of that is beware of anything that contradicts that which the salaf رضي الله عنهم  (the righteous predecessors) were upon.Neither what past nor what is current. Beware of anything that contradicts what the salaf  رضي الله عنهم (the righteous predecessors) were upon. For verily, every newly invented matter [in the religion] is an innovation and every innovation is misguidance. There is no good in it.


So, O’ our people! Until when shall we live in these deteriorating conditions in our thoughts, in our interactions with our brothers, in our interactions with this good and blessed As-Salafiyyah? Why have people made themselves to be like dogs with their insulting of this As-salafiyyah, and distancing themselves from it and the scholars of As-Salafiyyah, and bolstering and lifting up those that contradict what the companions رضي الله عنهم  were upon? O’ our people wake up! O’ our beloved! Come to your senses.

O’ our people, come to a word that is just! O’ our people, if we want dignity for our ummah, and help from Allah for our ummah, and blessings and good for our ummah, then we should come together  upon the book of Allah and sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ in accordance with the understanding of the righteous predecessors رضي الله   عنهم and leave whatever opposes it. If we made a mistake in the past in that regard, we should return. And leave partisanship and hold tightly to this clarity, this purity, and this cleanliness that, by Allah, no cleanliness is like it and no good comes near it in comparison! Verily there are some that day that indeed the Manhaj (the methodology) of the predecessors is the most firmly connected and the most knowledgeable (of all the different methodologies). And I say, By Allah! Indeed, the Manhaj of the salaf is the manhaj upon which there is knowledge. And it is the one upon which there is wisdom. And it is one upon which there is mercy. And there is no good nor knowledge nor mercy in any matter that has contradicted what the predecessors of this blessed ummah were upon.”



We ask Allah with His beautiful names and lofty attributes, to guide the misguided Muslims, and to unite Muslims come to a word that is just. And that He returns them back to the correct understanding of their religion. Return them in a pleasing, blessed way. That He opens the closed hearts and that He opens the closed eyes from the truth that is distant from it. That He protects us and you all of the evil self benefactors and that He aids us and you all to be a mercy too this ummah. To say the truth and to guide to it and stop in light of truth and to advise the Ummah with it.

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